Vehicle Data Logging Basics — Parameters

Vehicle Data Logging Basics — Parameters

We are fortunate enough to live in a day and age where we are highly connected and have the ability to reach our tuners at a whim in order to help diagnose or troubleshoot issues with our cars when things are not running as smooth.

This is all great until you are stuck at the track on a race day or even worse on the side of the road due to the car not running well and you are not able to reach your tuner.

That is why I believe that logging is one of those skills that can set you apart from the average race enthusiast once you learn how to do it effectively.

Below I have gathered a few parameters you want to keep an eye out for when looking at your logs so that you can pick up common issues like boost leaks, fuelling issues and other not so obvious issues causing your car not to run so well.

Engine Speed (RPM)

Vehicle Speed


Lambda (AFR)


Waste Gate Duty Cycle

Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure

Intake Air Temperature

Actual Ignition Timing

Cylinder Knock

Short Term Fuel Trims

Long Term Fuel Trims

Reading logs is one of those things that you get better at the more you look at logs. I encourage you to ask people to share their logs with you so you can further hone your skills and expose yourself to more scenarios that affect how a car runs.

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